DermaTend is one of the most useful types of mole removal products that you can get. This is a specially designed cream that can help you out break up tissue that causes moles to grow on various parts of the body. It is also incredibly easy to use.

How Does it Work?
One of the best points about this mole removal product is the way that it works. It works with a series of organic ingredients like zinc salt and vegetable glycerine to help remove moles.
A series of alkaloids in the cream will go into the cells that have caused a mole to form. The immune system will then recognize these alkaloids and then produce white blood cells as a means to remove these substances. These will help to kill off the cells that caused the mole in the first place.
You will experience some mild inflammation after this procedure has started. In addition, you will develop a scab over the treated area once the product is working at full-throttle. The scab will fall off over time and reveal healthy skin that will blend in and become part of your natural skin.
How Do You Use It?
The process for using DermaTend couldn’t be simpler. Here is a list of steps that you’ll need take to get it to work right:
- You’ll have to first scratch the mole with an emery board. A container of DermaTend should include an emery board. This is necessary for mole removal purposes because it will make it easier for the cream to move into the mole. It shouldn’t be hard to where the mole starts to bleed.
- You’ll then need to clean and dry the entire mole area. The mole should be treated with hot water so its pores can open up. Also, everything must be dry if before the medicine can be applied.
- The DermaTend cream can then be applied to the treated area. DermaTend should only be applied on the mole area for the best results.
- The cream is then left on the treated area. You will need to keep it on for about forty-five minutes. You will experience a stinging sensation for the first five minutes or so. The only way you can tell that DermaTend is getting into your mole is by feeling this sensation so endure it for a bit.
- You can then wash the mole removal cream off and wait to see if a scab forms within twenty-four hours. The cream will have worked if a scab does form in that time period. You’ll have to repeat all these steps if it does not form.
You should think about using DermaTend if you want strong product that will remove moles. DermaTend can help you safely but surely remove moles on your body from the comfort of your own home. Make sure that you follow the instructions precisely if you want it to work as well as possible. Follow the steps and watch your mole finally go away!