Flat Mole Removal

What are Flat Moles?

Flat moles are usually the dark spots that aren’t raised beyond the skin level. These are usually dark spots also known as nevi, birthmarks or beauty marks. According to some dermatologists and surgeons, these pigmented cells can be treated with time and medicine. There are many methods to get rid of, or at very least lighten the appearance of, flat moles.

Flat Mole Removal


The surgical process also known as excisional surgery is used for the removal of flat moles. In this process, the skin is cut to remove the mole and then sewed back together. This is the most effective method but it takes a lot of patience; a lot of time is needed for the skin to properly heal. Sometimes a small line or scar is left behind after the surgery. The line or the scar is dependent on the size of the mole.

Laser surgery is a common surgical process when it comes to the removal of moles. Usually there are three sittings required for the complete treatment. There is no incision in this process and it’s less painful then excisional surgery. Patients repeatedly report that they only feel a “tingle” during laser surgeries. Laser treatment is also ideal for blocking the blood vessels responsible for mole formation. After treatment, a scab is forms that will heal and fall off in days.


There are also a number of creams available on the market to get rid of flat moles or dark spots on the skin. These creams contain a known ingredient bloodroot, which is found in northern parts of U.S. and Canada. It is a medicinal herb and will get rid of a flat mole without any surgery.

There are also fading creams that fade the mole into the color of your normal skin. The best way to use these creams is to apply them only to the specific areas. Many of the creams burn the top-most layer of the skin and the new skin will grow back in a lighter shade.

The instructions and ways to apply the creams are mentioned on the packs but it is also advisable to ask your doctor or dermatologist before using creams.


Consultations are necessary before going for surgery or even simply applying creams: there are some flat moles that can be cancerous so it’s important to get diagnosed before self-treatment. The majority of flat moles are found to be benign but it is better to consult with a doctor first. If a biopsy is required, it can be done on the spot with the doctor and a better treatment can be devised after results arrive.

Avoid plucking hair from moles - it can cause inflammations. Hair can be removed easily with the help of laser or electrolysis treatment, or simply by shaving.

If the moles are non-malignant, it’s best to apply creams at home before going for your surgery. In all cases, it’s best to consult a dermatologist to select the right method for you.