Liquid nitrogen is commonly known for being incredibly cold. In fact, it can be less than -300 degrees Fahrenheit. Liquid nitrogen is often used in the process of getting rid of unsightly moles. The use of liquid nitrogen during the mole removal procedure can help you get rid of any mole on your body. You need to understand before the risks ahead of time before undergoing any surgical procedure and consulting a dermatologist is always recommended.

How the Nitrogen is Used
The liquid nitrogen will be prepared by being injected or rubbed onto the area that needs to be treated. The application process will vary depending on the doctor performing it and the location of the mole. The nitrogen will destroy tissues under the flesh that caused the mole to appear. If done properly, the mole will wither and fall away and new skin will grow in the area normally with time. Since the nitrogen attacks the cells that cause the mole in the first place, this type of treatment usually doesn’t require more than one visit.
Are There Risks Involved?
There are a few important risks to understand when it comes to liquid nitrogen mole removal. There are some cases where you may end up experiencing damage to tissues that are outside of the area of your mole.
There are also concerns about potential scarring in the area. There is a risk that you might develop a scar in the treated area. It will not be as easily visible as the mole but nonetheless, expect more scarring here than other techniques.
It helps to ensure that your doctor is experienced when working with liquid nitrogen. This this will only further calm you before the surgery and you’ll know that you’re in the hands of a professional. A more experienced doctor may cost a little more money, but it will certainly be worth it in the long run. You’ll get better instruction for what to do after the surgery and there’ll be less chance of scarring with an experienced surgeon.
Is It Painful to Handle?
It can be difficult to imagine the prospect of having a piece of your body cut, burned or frozen off. There is some pain involved due to the substantially cold temperature of liquid nitrogen. In the worst case, you can always request local anesthesia. This may help dull the sensation of the nitrogen. This may not necessarily get rid of all the pain but it should make it easier to handle without fainting or squirming beyond being able to be held down.
You should consider the prospect of undergoing liquid nitrogen mole removal treatment if you have any ugly marks that you don’t want. This is a simple procedure and you can rest assured that you’ll heal up within weeks. It helps to balance the benefits and risks when considering liquid nitrogen mole removal as an option; there are few risks that present themselves and benefits like confidence last throughout the rest of your life!