Mole Removal Cream

There are different perceptions of moles amongst different peoples. To some, moles are embraced and considered aspects of beauty. For others, moles are imperfections that need to be removed as soon as possible. There are various methods available on the market for mole removal ranging from all-natural remedies like applying honey on the moles to more advanced methods like surgery. A more common method is the use of mole removal creams.

Mole Removal Cream

How It Works

These creams prove to be popular since the creams are readily available, easy to apply and affordable. The mole removal creams work by burning the moles and drying them. The moles dry up and slough off leaving no scar behind. You may experience some redness and irritation, but this goes away in a short while.

This method does not require a clinic; the creams are available at drug stores. It is recommended to speak with your dermatologist and get a prescription if you find that over the counter products don’t work well for your mole.

Several patients have described use of the mole removal creams as a painful experience. This is because you have to scratch open the mole so that you can administer the cream directly into the mole. If you’re looking for a lasting remedy though, mole cream works!


The ingredients in mole creams vary between manufacturers. Some creams claim to be all-natural and completely non-irritating. Other makes do not even mention their ingredients, whether natural or inorganic. It’s always advisable to check out ingredient labels carefully. You can do an internet search of the products or better yet, consult a physician as you may be allergic to some of the ingredients in the product.

A great, cheap alternative is to create your own natural mole removal cream. It is quite easy once you understand the principle. This will require herbs and oils like castor oil, which work by dehydration of the wart. Most of the ingredients can be found online or in local stores. This would be recommended for people who are specifically allergic to ingredients found in creams found on the market. Care should be taken when making your own cream – you can easily wind up spending more than products on the market!

Many people find themselves asking, “what mole cream should I use?” Most people have blemishes or moles on their skin – wanting to remove them is natural and a wonderful convenience of modern-day medicine. Because of allergies or sensitive skin, creams are often skipped by people suffering conditions that may be flared up by the use of a cream. Onion juice is a known holistic remedy that can be applied to a wart or mole and when mixed with Castor Oil, is like a “sensitive-skin cure” for mole removal.

It’s important to note that if your mole isn’t gone in a week, it’s advisable to discontinue treatment and consult a dermatologist. This could be a sign of a cancerous growth and should be checked out as soon as possible.