Benign moles are an extremely common condition where cells grow more rapidly within the skin causing bump-like or dark-colored spots virtually anywhere on the body. They are non-cancerous and typically pose no irritation to the person suffering from the condition, let alone health threats. If you have a benign mole that you want to get rid of because it’s in an irritating spot like the waistband or foot, or if you simply want to remove visible moles to look more attractive and gain self-confidence, there are a variety of mole removal techniques that take different amounts of time for proper treatment. Depending on the type and size of your mole you will be prescribed one or a couple of these methods to effectively rid you of your unsightly mole!

Excision – Risks and Benefits
Excision is the process by which a surgeon applies local anesthesia to the area of the mole and proceeds to cut it off with a scalpel. Excision is the most commonly used method for malignant (cancerous) mole removal but is often used for large benign moles and moles that are growing or changing color. While excision is indeed the quickest form of mole removal when combined with the proper after-surgery care, it also comes with the most risk of infection. Any time surgery is the means by which your mole is removed, you can expect more intense aftercare such as applying hydrogen peroxide to the wound, going in for the removal of stiches and through cleaning and wrapping of the wound. Excision is not as inexpensive as cryotherapy or natural remedies that can be applied at home but it is significantly less expensive than laser or radio wave therapy.
Laser Treatment for Small Moles
Laser treatment is a great technique for the removal of small moles as the medical lasers available can penetrate the skin without need for an incision, killing cells that cause mole growth. While laser treatment is a quick procedure usually lasting an hour or less within the laser treatment specialists’ office, the technique often requires several treatment sessions before the mole will be gone for good. If you’re looking for the quickest means of mole removal, laser treatment is not it, but it is effective so long as you go to all treatment sessions prescribed by your doctor.
Doing it Yourself At Home
While it takes longest, the cheapest way to remove moles is through natural remedies that can be crafted at home. By using key ingredients, you can concoct creams, salves and lotions that will stop mole cells in their tracks. The ingredients that work for mole removal include:
- Castor oil
- Onion Juice
- Sour Apples/ Apple Juice
- Baking soda
You can use cut, green, sour apple slices directly on your mole once it has been filed down or juice the apple and use a cotton swab or q-tip to apply. Onions must be juiced and both onion juice and apple juice can be combined with Castor oil and baking soda to create cream.