There are often questions regarding the plausibility and effectiveness of all-natural remedies regarding virtually every facet of health. Whether acupuncture, raiki or creating salves and creams from natural ingredients, conservative Western medicinal practitioners argue that man-made synthetics and surgeries are much more effective at combatting disease and treating underlying conditions of any symptom. For many, the prospect of surgery is frightening and often enough to drive patients away from much needed treatment. For mole removal especially, it’s been found that benign moles are infrequently removed because the patient feels there’s no great need since the mole isn’t cancerous. Despite the fact that mole removal isn’t necessary if you’re dealing with benign moles, many are starting to take advantage of the cosmetic clinics popping up throughout the country that offer mole removal surgeries that are both cost-effective and permanent solutions to an unwanted blemish. For those still reluctant about surgery of any kind, there are natural mole removal techniques that work wonderfully.

Kinds of Natural Mole Remedies
There are several topical ointments that you can create to combat the growth and existence of unsightly moles on visible skin. Some of these include:
- Castor Oil
- Baking Soda
- Onion Juice
- Sour Apples
These natural products all have properties that inherently fight the cells that cause moles to grow. To properly utilize any of them, it’s first recommended that you use an emery board and file down the mole until it begins bleeding. Note – don’t try this if you see significant vascular development around the mole (varicose veins). Consult with a dermatologist before applying any natural remedy. Once the mole is filed down till it bleeds, apply the natural mole-fighting agent directly to the exposed wound. Green apples can be squeezed for their juice or sliced and rubbed directly on the mole. Onions must be juiced first, then the juice is applied using a cotton swab. Baking soda and castor oil can be used individually or combined with either sour apple juice or onion juice for a more powerful remedy.
Duration of Application
Generally to see results using natural methods, a matter of a few weeks to months is necessary. Depending on your personal chemistry, it may take shorter or longer to see results. If consistently and properly applied, natural mole removal techniques will reduce the size of your mole and eventually cause it to never grow back. If after you’ve treated your mole and had it disappear you find the mole coming back, resume the treatment for as long as it takes to eliminate the raised skin bump.
Natural mole removal methods are just as effective as surgery and other non-invasive treatments. While you may have to apply the solutions over a longer period of time than prescribed mole removal creams or sprays, the natural mole-killing ingredients in onions, Castor oil and sour apples will all take their course so long as they’re applied daily. For best results, apply the solution both in the morning and at night before going to bed.