How Long Will Mole Removal Take

Depending on the type of mole removal technique that best suits your medical history and skin anomaly, mole removal can last anywhere from a few hours to a few months. Surgeries can be effective but require anesthesia and incisions, which are prone to infection. If you have the coin for it, laser treatment for moles usually takes a minimum of two sessions; if planned, this procedure could be finished within a week. Do-it-yourself remedies such as over the counter freezing sprays and creams generally take a couple of weeks to see results and as much as a month of treatment for the mole to never come back. If you use all natural ingredients, this could prolong the necessary application time to several months. When considering which procedure to undergo, consult a dermatologist who can verify that your mole isn’t cancerous.

How Long Will Mole Removal Take

Excision Versus Laser Treatment

For malignant moles and large benign moles, excision may be prescribed above laser treatment as an effective means of removal. Local anesthesia is applied to the mole and it is cut out; if the mole is malignant, deep cuts are necessary to removal all traces of cancer and this could cause mild disfigurement. Depending on your healthcare plan, reconstructive surgery may be covered so check what options you have that are within your means. Laser treatment is covered by good healthcare policies but isn’t effective for the removal of large moles or deeply rooted growths. Laser technology usually penetrates low beneath the skin, killing small mole growth and instantly cauterizing the flesh at an even level. If a mole has significant vascular development, you may be prescribed anesthesia that knocks you out cold. If you don’t take well to going under, excision can be a scary yet necessary option versus laser treatment.

Home Treatment Versus In-Office Surgery

Many afflicted with blemishes o the skin will opt for home treatment versus simple surgery to remove benign moles but the benefits of having a doctor cut away your growth and give you detailed instructions regarding aftercare are clear. Home treatment has gotten more effective with the recent legalization of over-the-counter sale of freezing sprays exactly like those used in doctors’ offices across the country for cryotherapy. Instead of numbing the area for incision though, the spray is applied consistently over time until the mole flakes away and falls off. Still, this can be a process that takes weeks. Surgery is a quick solution and usually only takes one session.

Average Treatment & Aftercare Durations

Laser therapy can take a week or months depending on the availability of the certified professional. Excision takes under an hour and a matter of weeks for healing. Cryotherapy and creams generally take weeks to effectively start destroying your mole. Radiowave therapy takes only one session to be effective but in rare cases will require a second making it about as time consuming as laser therapy. Ultimately, the prescription of a dermatologist regarding mole removal should be your first consideration when selecting a treatment.