If you’ve got an ugly or irritating mole that you want taken care of, the best doctor for the job is you! Given new laws, there are new ways to remove moles and keep them gone available over-the-counter. In addition to the traditional creams, shaving off small moles is an easy solution you can try in your next shower. The newcomers to the arena of home mole removal are the freezing sprays. While formerly only available to doctors performing cryotherapy within their offices, the freezing sprays can be effectively used on a regular basis to control and eliminate moles.

Freezing Sprays
As new laws have recently passed, the freezing sprays that were typically used by doctors to prep an area for mole removal are now available to the public. Over-the-counter freezing sprays make use of compressed medicine and dry ice – the dry ice makes the solution super-cold, literally freezing the mole till it flakes off. Freezing sprays are among the more expensive options when it comes to self mole removal but they’re worth the investment. Super-cold freezing sprays are much less painful than cutting into larger moles. The shaving method is fine for small bumps but the reality of slicing off a large piece of your flesh is unsettling for many. Freezing sprays allow the wart to slowly but surely die and fall off.
Topical creams have long been used to treat the presence of moles and warts. Creams are concentrated, active-ingredients from natural remedies for mole removal put into a moisturizing cream. These ingredients act as medicine over time and since they’re concentrated, it usually takes much less time to tell a difference in the size of the mole than ingesting natural, wart-fighting ingredients. DermaTend is one brand of cream that is known to be effective and some sites offer free shipping and free gifts with your order! If you can’t stand the prospect of cutting yourself and you’re willing to be patient and consistent with the application of the cream medicine, this is the ideal method of removal at home. One thing about creams: for people with sensitive skin, freezing sprays may be better for you. Cream can irritate sensitive skin but freezing sprays won’t.
The Shaving Method
If you have unsightly bumps and moles that protrude out from your skin, the shaving method will work for removal of your moles. Instead of only shaving your face in the case of males or your legs in the case of females, try using your razor to remove unsightly bumps. If the bumps are pronounced they may bleed. Most small moles can be sliced off without any bleeding or worries. If you notice that the mole that you want removed has “varicose”-looking veins running to it, don’t hack it off with a shaver. Consult a dermatologist and you’ll be able to verify that the mole won’t require stiches before attempting this method on anything over 1/16th of an inch. This will help keep you safe while shaving down moles.