When moles are on the face they are especially irritating: not only are they unsightly and often the subject of scrutiny among colleagues and peers, they can be sensitive and even harmful in time! Moles come in a few types: benign moles stay steady in shape, size and color whereas those that are frequently found to be malignant will evolve with time and exposure to the sun. If you’re in need of effective removal of your facial moles, consider the following options:

Excision is the process of going into a dermatologist’s office and having the local area of your mole anesthetized before the mole is cut off and your skin stitched back up. This method is most likely to get infected because it involves creating an open wound. Sometimes there is no option besides excision, especially in the case of a cancerous growth. If the mole happens to be malignant, more tissue will be removed to ensure that the cancer won’t spread. This can sometimes cause disfigurement but is much better than the guarantee of death if the cancer is not removed!
Cryotherapy is similar to excision except without the use of anesthesia. While this may sound painful, the use of dry ice to freeze the local area of the mole then the mole is cut out and stitched up. Because of the extreme negative temperature of the dry ice, the area is entirely numb before scalpel ever touches skin. There are also home-based remedies involving cryotherapy where you apply a freezing spray on a regular basis to the mole. After several days to weeks, the mole will dry up, flake and fall off. There is little chance of infection with cryotherapy when administered as a freezing spray over time. In-office surgery of course carries all of the risks that excision does – be sure to apply gauze and Neosporin to combat infection.
Laser Treatment
Laser treatment for unsightly moles is the most preferred means of mole removal available. Those who’ve undergone laser treatment report no pain; only a “tingle” is felt in the area being treated. Low-intensity lasers literally zap the mole off of the body while cauterizing the flesh between where the mole was instantly. This treatment doesn’t leave open wounds which means there’s a significantly decreased risk of infection after treatment.
Perhaps the best thing about laser treatment is that it takes mere moments out of your day. In the course of a minute or two you’ll be able to leave the patient room, mole-free! While there’s no guarantee that the lobby room wait will be short, the process of laser treatment is quicker than all other options. Laser treatment is more expensive than other methods and sometimes requires multiple sessions but if you’ve tried natural remedies and you’ve bought the over-the-counter freezing spray only to have your mole grow back time and time again, it may be your best option.
Always get a dermatologist to recommend you the best treatment for your facial mole removal!