If you’ve got unsightly moles that you need removed from your visible skin such as arms, face, neck or legs, the best treatment is consulting a dermatologist or specialist who’ll be able to remove it for you. Often times, people are squeamish about getting a piece of their body hacked or frozen off. Having reviews available from clients that’ve been through the process can help guide you in choosing the best mole removal method for your blemishes.

Finding Previous Patients
Often times there are websites maintained by the doctors and specialists where testimonials can be found. These are often responses that the doctor has gotten in the mail from satisfied patients. They give you an inside look at the positive things about a doctor’s track record. For more in depth information and sit-down conversations with former clients, go to the office and see if there’s anyone in the reception area. Speak with them directly and most often people will be more than happy to explain their interactions with the doctor. Internet forums related to skin conditions would also be a great place to look for information regarding mole removal. There may actually be threads with patients exchanging doctor stories!
Weighing Experience and Education
There are distinct benefits to getting a doctor that both has an Ivy League degree and decades of experience though they’re not always readily available. If you need the best blend of experience and education in your area, the best way to start is by confirming the degrees of doctors in your area that you’ve considered. Contact their schools and verify their graduation. Once that’s done, weigh the reputation of the schools based on their medical programs at the time of the doctor’s graduation. Most people won’t go through this process but it will ensure you the best available care. So long as the doctor has a few years under their belt with their own practice, they’ve already been performing surgeries for twice that long, at least. The four most important things to consider when choosing a doctor are reported as:
- Experience
- Education
- Bedside Manner
- Cost
As experience is irreplaceable and earned slowly, it’s a bit more qualifying than education. Granted, no doctor can perform surgeries without the proper education; still, the difference between a Temple medical degree and a Princeton medical degree is significant. Bedside manner is how comfortable you are with the personality that’s going to be performing surgery on you and cost is mostly important in the case of the uninsured public.
Feedback From After Removal
Once you’ve chosen and gone through the process of mole removal you’ll only be satisfied if the mole is gone and there’s no significant scarring. On a whole, patients who visited cosmetic surgeons for their mole removal were most pleased with the way the surgery healed. Dermatologists are also very highly ranked as specialists for this surgery. People often are pleased with the results of their mole removal, and the moles don’t come back!